As a little girl, I never liked handbags For me they were cumbersome and troublesome, and being a bit of a tomboy didn't help matters at all as a handbag didn't fit the look. I still think handbags can be cumbersome and burdensome especially cute little ones only a phone, keys & money can fit into.
Growing up I was introduced to them gradually and thankfully, this introduction was a personal one. I went for Youth Service in the North and was able to roam round the market by myself. Thrift shopping is the norm over there especially for we who are based in the West and so I discovered quite a lot of cute fashion items at unbelievable prices (I believe I still own some things I purchased there). Little by little, I started buying handbags for myself and thought how grown up and ladylike they looked.
In the midst of it all, the occasional pure leather, designer find in a thrift store called for celebration as my corper salary (even now I'd say, "cheapskate Barbara you", lol) couldn't quite handle the real deals. So when a couple months back Genevieve Magazine gifted me this OYSBY London leather was the best feeling ever.
Unfortunately, me being me, I'm yet to take a strut on the highway with it. My sister is forever whispering in my ear, "Barbara, let me rock this bag for you nah". I think it's time for Adonis to get out of the closet or don't you think so too?
In the midst of it all, the occasional pure leather, designer find in a thrift store called for celebration as my corper salary (even now I'd say, "cheapskate Barbara you", lol) couldn't quite handle the real deals. So when a couple months back Genevieve Magazine gifted me this OYSBY London leather was the best feeling ever.
Unfortunately, me being me, I'm yet to take a strut on the highway with it. My sister is forever whispering in my ear, "Barbara, let me rock this bag for you nah". I think it's time for Adonis to get out of the closet or don't you think so too?
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