...another passion, another skill, another feather in my cap and yet more
Have you ever felt like there had to be more that you could do, more that you were yet to try, more that life had in store for you and perhaps you were boxing yourself in and refusing to let go of the door handle? Well, that's how I've been feeling recently until I decided to explore the idea of photographing & filming something else that isn't a 'thing' or 'myself' ie. another human being *duh*
While I've taken makeup pictures of my sister before it wasn't really the same as an actual photoshoot - which I was considering including in a photography portfolio, showcasing to the world as a skill and even getting paid to do. See the difference there?
Thankfully, I didn't have to go far or think too hard 'cos I happened to have someone who, outside my family, also strongly believes in my numerous skills and happens to - have a clothing line, make accessories and is a size zero *lol*. I asked if she'd let me do the honours of taking the first set of 'professional' pictures for her line + doing a short fashion film too (see video below) and she obliged willingly.
I really liked this outfit for it's colour and the simplicity of the cut. Chichi wanted to use colour on her neck but I opted for this huge, multi-layer black necklace which at the end of the day was the star of the outfit and gave it a lot of class.

Below is a short fashion film using some of the footage I shot during the shoot + trying out some skills like sound design and editing and all what not so no jabs at my film-making skills
What do you think?
Oh, and lest I forget, Chichi's outfit is called Atelier Chichi. There is currently no website but as soon as there is, I'll be sure to let you know. In the meantime, you can place orders and ask for more information via this phone number - 09085654609
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