My Hair: Recent Styling et al.


My natural hair has been the topic of so much recent conversation that sometimes even I am in awe of the darned thing. I have learned though to respect it. One thing that keeps me going where my natural hair is concerned is the fact that I have been blessed with it by God. Genes, or whatever, it is a blessing and not a curse and so I treat it as such.

I play around with it more often now and have more fun with it now which is quite refreshing I must admit. While we are on the subject, does anyone know what I can do to get it to itch less? I hear mint products work wonders.

#justchillin at work with bushy brows and purple nail polish
seriously, this is my first successful twistout EVER. Love you Kemi Lewis for making this happen (I haven't forgotten the review of her salon I owe you guys)
super cute right? On a fashion shoot during the last public holiday
my twisted updo
#justchillin at work for real. My boss says I am vain
I miss having an afro but what it takes to tame it ......
Thinking up new styles for you guys on Instagram (you can follow me here).
Anyone in particular you would like me to experiment with? Post the link as a comment or send me a message.

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