Even in the midst of all the chaos this week there was a public holiday for which I, my colleagues & every worker I know was grateful for. I didn't stir until 9am and didn't lift a finger until 4pm, lol.
Thank God for another TGIF and it is time for my weekly recap.
I sincerely apologise for missing last week's recap post but I assure you didn't miss anything special *grin*
Here goes with Keek first
Apr 29, 2013 | my colleagues - @lexain, @owolawee, Jumoke, Yemi, @thesmilinghat and I heading out for a meeting this morning by Barbara1923 on Keek.com
May 2, 2013 | my mohawk kind of wannabe hairstyle. should I still get my braids done? #naturalhair #natural #hair by Barbara1923 on Keek.com
My popular posts on Pinterest this week
I managed to get a couple of pictures on Instagram this week

That's all folks. Have yourselves an absolutely gorgeous weekend and don't forget to follow on
Instagram, Keek and Pinterest
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