Product Review: Alcone Make-Off Wipes


I was unable to attend IMATS in February this year along with my fellow Nigerian MUAs but a dear friend of mine - Funke of Gifty's Daughter brought me back a souvenir. She brought me the Alcone Make-Off makeup wipes.

I only recently received it though but I have tried it and I must say that I am looking forward to re-stocking it for both personal and professional use.

indeed it is the Lazy Girl's solution.
sorry for the flash
In my lazy moments, i usually use normal baby wipes to clean my face. I have tried a couple of other makeup wipes but it was just economical for me to use baby wipes instead as i used the same number of wipes to clean my face.

With Alcone Make-Off however, i use only one wipe and it gets every stitch of makeup off my face. Regardless of whether i have a heavy or light application of makeup on, these wipes take it off leaving my face feeling clean. The last time my face felt this clean was when i used the rather unorthodox moisturising cream and cotton wool to take off my makeup.

This is a definite must try and I would definitely recommend it. Value for your money too as you get the best out of every one of the 30wipes.

Do you have a favourite makeup wipe? Write it down in the comments, I would love to try it out.

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