Id been looking forward to using my Tara red lipstick – Funke again. I hadn’t used it since Valentine’s day when I was still at my former office. The dress code was red so I could use it.
Do you notice that it matches the band on my hair beautifully? I must also say that something went wrong with the foundation cos it was a little bit lighter than my normal shade. Everyone said it looked ok though. The pictures say different.
MaryKay foundation in 600 and 507
Black Opal fade and conceal in Toast
MaryKay powder in Bronze 2 and Orekelewa no 46 powder
Black Opal Redwood blush (cheek bones, forehead, chin and temples)
Black Radiance Mosaic bronzer (above cheekbones, bridge of nose, chin ad forehead))
Clear mascara for brows
Bobbi Brown e/s for lid and crease
MaryKay liquid e/l in black (upper lashline)
Jordana twist-up pencil in Blue Devine (lower lashline and waterline)
Glitter Gal mascara in black
Orekelewa l/s in Funke
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