Sleek Studio Skincare Range Review


Skincare is something I unconsciously take for granted a lot of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love cosmetic products and use them a lot, my taking it for granted means I am constantly at the whim of a new or different product. Month one - this, month 2 - that, month 3 - the other.

Nwayz, all this has come to an end (hoping I don't get tired and go back to good ole Pears or something off like that) with the gratis skincare range I received from Sleek Studio.
For the amount of research and work that went into the production of this range, let us just say that in order not to embarrass myself, I keeled over in my head when I knew how much each product/the entire range cost.
Lightening range, Exfoliating range, A Stroke of Lightening and a Dab of Lightening
After using this range for one week, I must admit that I fell off the band wagon. However, this wasn't due to the ineffectiveness but due to a rather rough schedule that had me getting home late and literally being dead in sleep, lol. 

Regardless of this, I really like this range. 
  • The satiny feel after using Clean n lightn is very addictive. Shame it finishes quickly due to the size of the product. Sleek Studio is working on the product sizes for this range as they currently don't last up to a month's usage with the exception of Lighting in a Jar. 
  • Tone n lightn is alcohol free and very gentle on the skin, hence perfect for sensitive skin. 
  • It is said that Lighting in a jar can be used as a makeup base for the face. It however didn't work very well for me when I tried it (everytime I try to use something extra as a base on my skin apart from moisturiser it backfires. Dunno why). Looking forward to trying it on someone else though.
The lighting range has Abuten and Vitamin C as ingredients thus ensuring it is safe to use in our weather. Also, unlike Hydroquinone, which isn't meant to be used for a prolonged period of time, Abuten can. This means that you can use this range for 3 months with no side effects.

p.s. please don't use this range for 4 weeks and complain that it isn't working. It (and every other lighting product) actually has to be used for a minimum of 3 months for maximum effect.
This range is definitely my favourite.
  • Scrub Away My Troubles is a gorgeous facial scrub made out of dead sea salt. It is to be lightly mixed with water so the crystals melt and not scrubbed against the skin (even though I do that). The refreshed feeling after rinsing the face is wonderful and absolutely clean.
  • Neuskin Reveal & Neuskin Reveal More are definitely for that premium skin feel. First time I used them, I felt my skin literally plump up *no kidding* and using them at night ensures that your skin has time to soak it in and absorb the needed nutrients.
  • Protect Me Restore Me is a really nice, no fuss daytime moisturiser. It is tinted, which I like, but be warned that the tint is not enough to go alone on if you are the makeup type. It just provides a faint evenness to the complexion. My skin loves it as it is a water based moisturiser and so helps to maintain the balance of my skin.
  • Come Clean is my favourite product in the entire S. Studio skincare range. This is a multi-purpose product. It doubles as a makeup remover which can be used wet or dry (just 2 pumps of the mousse like product, takes away EVERY SCRAP OF MAKEUP without lather). It also serves as a very mild face cleansing wash which is perfect for sensitive skin.
The moisturiser has a sweet scent which might endear some to the products but is an absolute no for me. It took me a week to block out the scent from my mind.
While these can be used individually, I use a Stroke of Lightening and a Dab of Lightening together, mixed up in an old Pears jar. I have been using this for the past 1 month. While I do love the way my skin feels ie. not oily but supple; I definitely need to use it for the required 6 weeks and above for any noticeable difference in my complexion to be obvious.

Obviously, the Exfoliating range is my absolute favourite of the 3 and most likely the only one I look forward to continuing with.

Have you used any product in the Sleek Studio makeup range? Please let me know what you like about it and who knows, Dr. Ebele might just have a surprise giveaway in store for you.
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